Renewable Energy

PTG Water & Energy is a water pasteurization company from Silicon Valley. Their clients include beverage manufacturing, craft breweries, municipalities, and agricultural processing. Their technology is based around 100% renewable and sustainable energy across all markets. Initially, PTG had two sister companies and the goal was to combine them into one site that was more attractive with easier access to information.

The main idea was set, clean tech. How can we align all the work to be based around this? From new web design and photography to improved copy and training on content management, we built a modern and informative site whose main goal was a better user experience that represented sustainable clean energy technologies within corporate and municipal environments.

The Approach

The challenge set was to accomplish this goal with user-friendliness in mind. Setting up templates that can be copied for each post, providing guidelines for copy writing, and helping to provide the assets needed to create a professional became our plan.

With more cohesive page layouts, a simpler user journey to acquire the information needed to know more about the company, and presentations that are easier to consume, our mission was accomplished. Both the client and their users are able to navigate the site easily and back-end administration nearly effortless with templates.

The Takeaway

As much as businesses and municipalities need clear, concise information laid out before them in an outline format, the same approach had to be given during our briefs to the client. From information gathering, to explanation and assistance in developing their vision, the client was carefully guided into discovering what they wanted and how to best present that.

Educating should not be dismissed in cases where a client needs help describing their goals and desires. With the proper attention to their needs, identifying gaps in communication became opportunities to relieve the client of having to come up with everything they wanted so immediately. Overall, this project took 4 months, of which the majority was exploration and explanation. In the end, the vision became clear and the execution was smooth.